Youth Ministries
6th-12th Graders
Sunday School: We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 10:15-11:15 in the youth room
Youth Group: We partner with Faith UMC in Sheboygan Falls for quarterly youth group events. Schedule for 2024-2025: December 14th: Caroling at Pine Haven Christian Community in Falls, followed by Pizza and Hot Chocolate. Meet at Faith at 3:30 January 24-25th: Lock in at Faith UMC. Starts at 6 pm Friday and ends at 7 am Saturday. Dinner, snacks and breakfast provided. I will be there for the whole thing, and we'll have tons of fun activities, yummy snacks, and opportunities to just hang out. Sign up coming soon. Everyone can bring a friend! Ages 10+, and if someone wants to just do half the night, an early pick up is welcome. March 12th: Bowling. Dinner provided. More details to come! Bring Your Friends: All youth are welcome to join us! This includes youth in the LGBTQ+ community, youth still figuring out what they believe, and youth with disabilities. If you have question about your youth's ability to participate, contact the pastor, [email protected]. Participation is key: Your excitement, energy, and participation are needed to make your youth group work and to be fun. Come as often as you can and reach out to those that are missing and let them know they are missed. |
Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
Each year we take a group of high school youth on a mission trip through ASP. This trip is provided at minimal cost to our youth, and is paid for primarily through fundraising and donations. “Appalachia Service Project (ASP) provides one of the most rewarding structured service opportunities in the nation -- bringing thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families. But ASP is more than just a home repair program. Yes, Appalachia's poorest families urgently need your help, but they can help change your life, too. Because when you change the lives of others, they have a way of changing you. After a few days of hard work repairing homes with ASP, your hands will grow a little tougher, your arms a little stronger, and your relationship with God a whole lot deeper. You'll return home to your community with a passion for service, a renewed compassion for other people, and a fresh appreciation for your place and purpose in this world. Best of all, you'll discover first-hand that regardless of geography, education, or economic class, we are all equal members of the family of God.” For more information, please visit Scholarships
St. Luke United Methodist Church offers several great opportunities for our youth. Our Annual Scholarships for Graduating High School are just one of them. Applications are available in the Spring. All St. Luke UMC high school senior members graduating from high school are welcome to apply for the St. Luke UMC Scholarship.
Confirmation meets at Faith UMC on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 4-5 pm. Confirmation is a two year program starting in seventh grade and ending in eighth grade for students who wish to discern if they would like to confirm their faith, reaffirm their baptismal vows (baptism is not required to participate in the class, but it will be required before the confirmation ceremony), and become members of St. Luke United Methodist Church. Confirmation in The United Methodist Church is a time of preparation; it gives youth the opportunity to reflect our faith and gives them a safe environment to ask questions. Confirmation helps youth to investigate their growing faith and helps them begin to understand what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. We believe that Confirmation is an important step in the journey of faith. |