Adult MinistriesAdult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is offered from 10:30 am-11:30 am on Sunday mornings, September-May. Church of the Air
Church of the Air Is a live radio broadcast on channel 1330 AM of our weekly Sunday church service. The program is aired each Sunday from 9 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Please click here to sponsor Church of the Air. United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women)
A community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Seven circles meet on a monthly basis for programs on topics of personal growth, spiritual enrichment and missions. They also come together for unit meetings and participate in UMW Activities. A woman can be a member of one of our circles or she can be an at-large member and attend any number of circles or no circle and participate in UMW Activities. Please click here for more information on United Women in Faith / United Methodist Women. Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is a free service provided by St. Luke United Methodist Church. It is held once a month on the last Thursday of each month. Families in need are given a grocery sack full of canned goods, cereal, meat and other items which have been either donated to the food pantry or purchased from donated funds. The Sarah Circle also provides a baked meal or a large container of homemade soup for each family. We serve 140-175 families. We average 30 new families a month.This service is accomplished through the use of volunteers. It takes many hours to obtain the food, distribute it and restock the shelves. Please click here for more information on how you can get involved. Love, Inc.
St. Luke is proud to be a partnered church with Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC) along with 30 other Christian Churches in Sheboygan County. The mission of Love INC is to mobilize local Christian Churches to transform lives and communities through relationship in the Name of Christ. Formed in 2013, Love INC operates a Clearinghouse to respond to neighbors-in-need with resources from local church ministries and the community. The Clearinghouse is a phone ministry staffed with trained Volunteers from across Sheboygan County, representing all denominations. Love in the Name of Christ is a proven model, with 157 affiliates operating across the country offering those in need a hand-up, as others in our community resource network offer a hand-out – both important. Love INC offers an opportunity for neighbors-in-need to break the cycle of hopelessness – connecting them with caring individuals who will model our Christian beliefs through all interactions. With the help of Love INC Partner Churches, Volunteers in the office and Clearinghouse, on the Board, and other individual acts of service, the Body of Christ demonstrates love for all our neighbors in need! Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
Chaplain Rick Cawthon retired from the Air Force in October 1994. He retired with 17 years of service to enter into full-time ministry. Rick received a B.A. Degree in Christian Education from Berean University in Springfield, Missouri. He served as an Associate Pastor and as a Senior Pastor in churches before becoming a full-time Good News Jail & Prison Ministry Chaplain in April 2004. Rick and his wife, Kim, moved to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where Rick is serving as the first Good News Chaplain in eastern Wisconsin. Rick has received a mandate from God, to preach the good news of the Gospel to those who are in prisons or jails. God has used tragedies from Rick’s and Kim’s lives and turned them into a passion to reach lost souls for Christ. The scripture that has fueled this passion is Hebrews 13:3a, “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (NIV) To contact: Chaplain Rick Cawthon, Good News Jail & Prison Ministry 2923 S. 31st St, Sheboygan, WI 53081 920.459.1356 – office Circuit NE 13 (formally Circuit NE 12)
The Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church divides the state of Wisconsin into several districts, also known as "circuits". Circuit NE 13 is the district made up of seven churches in and around the Sheboygan county area. Click here to read more about the work of Circuit NE 13. Lay Speakers
The United Methodist Church recognizes the lay persons who may wish to serve the church in many ways. A lay speaking ministries program is available for those who wish to become a lay speaker. Lay speakers serve the local church in any way which their witness, leadership, and services inspires all to deeper commitment to Christ and discipleship. The local church approves those persons who wish to serve each year at the local churches Charge Conference. Basic classes are needed, and refresher classes to keep a lay speaker continuing to stay knowledgeable.One can also become a certified lay speaker and this could allow them to help serve in other local Methodist churches, as well as the district conference. Becoming a lay speaker is a great way of helping one increase their faith in life’s journey. To learn more about becoming a lay speaker at St. Luke, contact Barb Murton at (920)458-3461. Ushers and Greeters
The Usher/Greeter Ministry Team at St. Luke Church is a team of dedicated, friendly individuals who are committed fulfilling the mission of St. Luke Church to “Connect, Grow, and Serve, by Loving God, Loving Others, and Serving the Community”. Click here to learn more about serving as an usher/greeter. Missions
The Missions Team current projects are:
Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
Sundays following the 9:00 a.m. service in the church parlor. The Coffee Hour at St. Luke Church provides an opportunity for fellowship and conversation and provides an opportunity to offer hospitality to our guests. We are always looking for coffee hour hosts. Any individual, couple, family, group of friends, or church ministry is invited to host. Please click here for more information on sponsoring coffee hour. |