Get Involved
St. Luke offers many opportunities to get involved within our church community. To become a sponsor or volunteer, call the church office at (920) 458-3461.
Giving is a reflection of a generous heart full of faith, trust, and gratefulness. There are two ways to share your tithes and offerings:
Electronic giving: If you wish to contribute electronically, please set up an account with the church treasurer: [email protected] Check or cash: Mail your contribution to
St. Luke United Methodist Church 623 Ontario Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53081 |
Flowers The beauty of flowers plays an important part in our worship at St. Luke UMC. Donations for flowers can be given in memorial, in celebration, or in thanksgiving for a person, ministry, or event. Please click here for information. Church of the Air
Church of the Air Is a live radio broadcast of our weekly Sunday church service on WHBL 1330 AM or 101.5 FM. The program is aired each Sunday from 9 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sheboygan Senior Care Community generously supports St Luke through covering half the cost of Church of the Air. Donations to offset the remaining cost of a broadcast of Church of the Air are appreciated. Donations can be dedicated to the memory of an individual, a spiritual event or to honor an achievement or milestone. If you are interested in making a donation please contact the church office, or mail a check to the church with a note to go towards church of the air. |
Ushers and Greeters
The Usher/Greeter Ministry Team at St. Luke Church is a team of dedicated, friendly individuals who are committed fulfilling the mission of St. Luke Church to “Connect, Grow, and Serve, by Loving God, Loving Others, and Serving the Community”. Coffee Hour
The Coffee Hour at St. Luke Church provides an opportunity for fellowship and conversation and provides an opportunity to offer hospitality to our guests. We are always looking for coffee hour hosts. Any individual, couple, family, group of friends, or church ministry is invited to host. Please click here for information on volunteering to serve for coffee hour. Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is a free service provided by St. Luke United Methodist Church. It is held once a month on the last Thursday of each month. Families are able to choose from a variety of nonperishables. such as soups, peanut butter, vegetables, fruits, cereals, pastas, rice, etc....Other donated items include fresh produce, meats, and breads. Personal hygiene items are also available. Our volunteers are an extremely important part of this ministry, as well as donated food, to continue serving our neighbors in need. If you want to volunteer to serve, call the church office 920-458-3461. Music
There are many opportunities for youth and adults to share their musical talents in worship. Youth and adults are invited to share their music talents at worship during our “Special Music” time each Sunday. Some volunteer music opportunities include:
Sunday School
If you are interested in being a Sunday School teacher or assistant, contact the pastor: [email protected] Lay Speakers
The United Methodist Church recognizes the lay persons who may wish to serve the church in many ways. A lay speaking ministries program is available for those who wish to become a lay speaker. Lay speakers serve the local church in any way which their witness, leadership, and services inspires all to deeper commitment to Christ and discipleship. The local church approves those persons who wish to serve each year at the local churches Charge Conference. Basic classes are needed, and refresher classes to keep a lay speaker continuing to stay knowledgeable.One can also become a certified lay speaker and this could allow them to help serve in other local Methodist churches, as well as the district conference. Becoming a lay speaker is a great way of helping one increase their faith in life’s journey. |